Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I’m not sure if I have goods eating habits. I eat vegetables and also meat, I like them both equally.  I don’t like much the fast food because it has high fat. My favorite foods are the typical Chilean food and the Chinese food. I try to eat little sugar because I have some problems with the insulin; some people of mi maternal family are diabetic.  This is a good reason to eat healthy food! But some days I enjoy a good hamburger o some chips. 
  I like to eat in restaurants, but I like the comfort of my home or homes of friends. I have diet just once, because I needed lower my sugar. Now, I started to eat Japanese food because is healthier than others (like Chinese food because is frying), but the trouble is that it is more expensive than the others typical meals.

I have a good memory about the food when I was a little child. I can remember the smell when my great-grandmother cooked some soup with a lot of vegetables. In this summer I would like to drink more natural juices, because I don’t like drink just water and neither soda because it has a lot of sugar. I wild like to try new mixture of flavors, like carrot with basil; I heard that mixture is healthy and nutritious to the body. In the future I want to eat better and accompanied with exercise. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I think the most of people learns about environmentally friendly practices riding the web (Facebook, Greenpeace, etc.). When I was 4 years old, my parents told me about the importance of the land care. They showed me TV shows about the global warming and some magazines about the environmentally friendly. In my daily life I recycle from glass bottles to plastic bags. I like so much to help the environment. I use my legs and public transport in the city (I live very far away from everything). I did not support some eco-organizations because I have not the opportunity to do it. In the near future I would like to support any environmental group.

To help the environment I recycle and I talk about the environment  to the little children. I don´t know how much carbon footprint I use, but its must be a little less than the average citizen (I worrying to do it better!). In Santiago we can find places to recycle, but Santiago people  aren´t  awareness of it. There is much pollution because Santiago has many cars. Finally, I think we must be having an ecological awareness. Environmental awareness especially for children!! (Schools and homes). For example, children can learn to care for a tree and can learn about many recycling possibilities (It would be very entertaining for them). Then, they could teach other children.

We will have a better quality of life in the future, I'm sure about it!!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I don’t use the computer to play video-games. I've played a computer game. It was “Sonic” game.  I considered that the video games are productive just if we played for a few minutes, not all day!! . I hear that they are very entertained, but you must spend just few minutes in the week, because they can hypnotize.  Then, play video games it’s not a waste of time, if you control the time. I don’t play computer games because I'm not good at it, I try, but it’s not for me, but also y don´t play because I prefer spend time in watch movies , read a book, or I dedicate time to my friends. I think that the people that playing computer games are very funny for one hand and serious for the other hand (because they need concentrations). In conclusions, I don’t think it is harmful. The computer games can use productively, I know people who learn so much about the world history, it’s a very entertaining way to learn about (it’s not entertaining read a book about some history topics). I use the computer mostly to work on the university , but I have fun on the computer watching an online movie, reviewing Facebook, reading some interesting text about anything ( I love read a lot on internet, they are some many interesting books!! ).

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Velázquez portrait has pride of place in Prado – but original may be in Dorset (by Paul Hamilos).
The article is about the famous painting called “Las meninas”, was done by Velazquez. The news describes the authenticity  of the painting located in National Trust.

The original painting is in the Prado Museum, but there is a second copy in the National Trust. For a long time is believed that the painting in the national Trust is a copy. The author of the article describes that On Wednesday in Royal Academy of Fine Arts it became an event. Hundreds of people gathered to listen to one of Spain's most respected art historians. The professional said that the painting in the national trust is not a copy, but original draft of the painting (in the Prado Museum).

The doctor Diaz Padron said that he made thorough investigation and this led him to believe that the painting located in the national Trust was painted by Velasquez, is an original. Padron said that the painting documented as an original in the XVII and XVIII centuries. But in the XIX and XX centuries, the painting is a copy from Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, successor as painter to the royal court. Padron argued that the painting was the  first boceto painted by Diego, then the king asked him to reproduce on a large scale (in the Prado Museum). Padron does not see differences between both paintings. On the other hand, the Prado Museum denies that this painting owned By The National Trust is an original.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


The anime is a cartoon style that was born in Japan. As a child the first anime I saw was “supercampeones”. This series told the story of several characters who belonged to a youth soccer team. I remember very well when Oliver (main character) ran half the football field with a lot of drama (the series was devoted extensive minutes only show that). Like good little girl, I liked the team goalkeeper Oliver called Benji. One of my favorites anime was “Dragon ball”, I liked the color palette that was used, and the sense of humor that had the characters, but  I didn´t like  the fights (many chapters are devoted only to them). In both anime I liked the drama and movement of the characters and also recreated places: the architecture of the city (supercampeones) and natural landscape (dragon ball). After the first years of childhood I never went back to watching anime. I don´t feel attracted to Japanese culture. I heard songs from anime, but only chapters I've seen. I don´t like the anime soundtracks.

I would like to see these cartoons again and remember old times.

Friday, October 4, 2013


My dream job would be in a museum. Selecting works of art for an exhibition. Choosing the subject matter of the sample and also choose the order of the works. Would need to be trained in various skills that enable among others the expocision, preservation, and management of real artistic. Also would need a great team to support me in the various tasks that need to be made. I really would like to develop in this type of work because it is one of the most entertaining areas of the art world. You can meet many artists and many people related to the art world as well. It is difficult to find this kind of work because the art circuit is small in this country. You must have experience to be for example curator at the "Museo de bellas artes". Although you can start being curator expositions in small galleries. Hopefully one day I can be a great art curator.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I´d like to visit Mexico, because i think this is a beautiful country with a beautiful people. 
Mexico is the second most populous country in Latin America.There are so much delicious food. I saw in television so many people eating and drinking tequila there. I would like to drink tequila in Mexico, because its a very traditional drink in this country. I would like to visit the Bellas artes palace because they are a murals of Diego Rivera, saw them it would be very exciting! I would like to visit Mexico´s national Museum of anthropology, because the museum expose so much Maya objects. The museum contains one of the most world´s largest collections of archaeological and anthropological artifacts from pre-Hispanic Maya civilizations to the Spanish conquest. I would like to live in Mexico because i could work in some area related with a history of arts, more precisely history of Maya art. I think, Mexico its a very beautiful place to visit because it has an extraordinary culture (traditional food and art). Should be more fun to live in Mexico than Chile.