Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Velázquez portrait has pride of place in Prado – but original may be in Dorset (by Paul Hamilos).
The article is about the famous painting called “Las meninas”, was done by Velazquez. The news describes the authenticity  of the painting located in National Trust.

The original painting is in the Prado Museum, but there is a second copy in the National Trust. For a long time is believed that the painting in the national Trust is a copy. The author of the article describes that On Wednesday in Royal Academy of Fine Arts it became an event. Hundreds of people gathered to listen to one of Spain's most respected art historians. The professional said that the painting in the national trust is not a copy, but original draft of the painting (in the Prado Museum).

The doctor Diaz Padron said that he made thorough investigation and this led him to believe that the painting located in the national Trust was painted by Velasquez, is an original. Padron said that the painting documented as an original in the XVII and XVIII centuries. But in the XIX and XX centuries, the painting is a copy from Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo, successor as painter to the royal court. Padron argued that the painting was the  first boceto painted by Diego, then the king asked him to reproduce on a large scale (in the Prado Museum). Padron does not see differences between both paintings. On the other hand, the Prado Museum denies that this painting owned By The National Trust is an original.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is very interesting, I think Velasquez is genious and this article about the authenticity of Las Meninas is great. greetings!
