Friday, April 27, 2012

back lights

Hi. I will talk about the next picture, it is my favorite photography in all my life.
I took this picture on January 23, when i was in the Usach University. That day I was in there because one of my favorites friends invited me a big party that night.  I was in there like 6 or 8 o`clock with my boyfriend, and he told me “ take me a picture now, because the sky its so beautiful”, then I took his camera ( a big and very old camera) and I took that picture. You can see the figure is in back light and the sky is complete yellov, there is nothing more than that color, its make me feel so calm. The other thing that I can remember from this moment is the so quiet ambient.  In the right side you can see a part of the tree in back lights to.

I like so much this picture because the pose it`s so simple, and of course, because I was in love of the person in the photography. I should printed in a big size and put in my room to remember this moment all days.